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Walking biomechanics in Chapel Hill, NC

Why walking biomechanics?


Walking is one of the most fundamental means of mobility available to us.  Faulty walking patterns can produce tremendous amounts of repetitive strain on the walker.  Healthy patterns of walking, however, have far-reaching benefits on the walker, allowing the major joints and core muscles of the body to maintain strength, endurance and balance into old age.  


Beth will guide you through exercises and drills designed to leave you with a clear sense of what efficient walking feels like to the body.  In the session, you will be alternating between demonstrations, fun exercises and technique drills. It's an enjoyable process of discovery and learning about your body's alignment and movement patterns. With Beth, you will explore core activation while essentially relaxing the rest of the body to discover efficient gait and ease; this, combined with engaging gravity, can make walking effortless and pain-free. This is the essence of efficient walking–relax and let your body do what it was built to do, walk faster and easier and leave injuries behind. Since walking is such a basic, everyday movement, when one’s walking form is improved, the benefits are far-reaching.  


Walk effortlessly and injury-free by learning how to walk biomechanically with 1:1 sessions with Beth.

Your personal training sessions can be devoted entirely to this focus or include other things you would like to work on.

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"I am a physically active 72 yr old woman. I had developed pain in my hips and was told I would need hip replacement in the coming years to relieve it. Fortunately, I thought to ask Beth to tell me more about her training in walking mechanics and we made a plan to work together. I learned a great deal as Beth thoughtfully observed my gate and fine tuned her instructions to my particular body and learning style. 
     Over time, I began to notice better strength, alignment, balance and flow as I walked.  My hip pain disappeared has remained gone in these last 2 years! Beth’s exuberant teaching style is informative, engaging and easy to follow. She is very well trained and a natural teacher who inspires confidence!  And she makes it so much fun!
I am so grateful to have her incredible commitment to learning, teaching, training. I look forward to many more years of staying active."


                                                                                                          ~Cathy Fletcher

Beth was a certified ChiWalking & 
ChiRunning Instructor from 2007-2021.
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